26 February 2021

EVRT Annual General Meeting for year 2019-20

EVRT Trustees  announce that the AGM for the financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 will be held on Tuesday 16 March 2021 from 7.30pm.

Current Government laws on lockdown prohibit the meeting of groups of people in any setting at present, but under Charity Commission and ACRE guidance about what to do in these circumstances the Board have formally agreed to hold the AGM online.

Residents wishing to attend should register in advance by contacting the Clerk at ku.gro.trve@lleB.C.  He will send out the appropriate Zoom link, the AGM Agenda and the supporting documents to the supplied email address before 15 March.  Documents will also be posted on the website.

NB Admission to the Virtual AGM will only be by pre-registration.  

If you would like to submit a question to the Trustees, this should also be submitted to the Clerk by email in advance of the AGM, to ensure that there is adequate time to prepare the response.

AGM to be held by Zoom