
Help the charity flourish

Support KGV

We are always looking for volunteers from the local community to help with the everyday life of the site.  If you can help by offering some of your time, whether on-going or as a one-off, we would really appreciate that assistance.  Below are some examples of possibilities.

A beautiful bench encircling a tree, donated by a family in memory of their parents Ken and Audrey Richardson. Both had been members of the KGV Committee of Management in the '60s and '70s. Audrey was founder member of both the WI and the Playgroup which were based in the KGV, and both were keen scouters at 1st Effingham Scouts.
The Toddlers Playground was completely refurbished through the efforts of a residents' group, The Friends of KGV, in 2019
The installation of the 3G artificial pitch was spearheaded by the efforts of Bookham Colts
  • Fund raising – the Playground Appeal was a wonderful example of community involvement led by The Friends of KGV.  Can you help raise funds for further play equipment, or more seats around the grounds? For instance, the much-loved zip-line has been out of action for many months, but realistically it is beyond repair to current safety standards and would need to be replaced at a cost of some £20k. If you would like to lead a fund-raising initiative we would be delighted to hear from you.
  • Communicating – our website is currently our main news channel.  Can you contribute to the website’s news page, or help to develop social media?
  • Events – these usually need lots of voluntary help. Can you help in the planning, managing or co-ordinating of public activities?
  • Tidying – our contractors do a lot of this but cannot do everything.  Would you like to take part in litter-picks, or in clearing undergrowth?
  • Local business – these are potentially excellent sources of know-how and support,  Would you like to build relations between local businesses and KGV?
  • Practical work – there are are always lots of practical tasks to be done. Could you offer electrical or plumbing support to KGV?


All charities thrive on donations. We welcome your financial gifts and legacies which will do so much to enhance this resource-hungry site.  Whether a contribution towards a major rebuild or the collection from a coffee-morning or a sponsored event, we will value it enormously and use every penny carefully.  There are also ways of giving in kind which we would be happy to discuss with you.

Donations and volunteering help secure KGV's future for all