
KGV Manager Appointment

Hall and Playing Fields Manager Effingham Village Recreation Trust (Registered Charity No. 305018) is wishing to recruit a Manager for the King George V Hall


AGM 2021-22 Reports

The Trust’s Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2021-22 was held at the KGV Hall on 13 September 2022. The Agenda, Report of the

Temporary Locking of Car Park

Late this afternoon, Saturday 30 April, the KGV was seriously scouted by travellers, in successive groups, seeking an opportunity to move onto the KGV site,


Storm Eunice damage

Sadly, KGV suffered quite a few casualties in the hands of storm Eunice last week and there are several very large trees that have come


Award of Omicron Grant

We are pleased to report that the Trust has been successful in its application to Guildford Borough Council for an Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant,


Jubilee Celebrations

EVRT is working closely with other village organisations including EffRA and the Churches Together Group on our planned celebrations for the Jubilee. We are looking


Governance moves

Moves towards a new governance model for the Charity were initiated in early 2022.This post, first made public on February 18th, was progressively updated to


AGM 2020-21 Reports

The Trust’s Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2020-21 was held online using Zoom on 8 February 2022. The Financial Statements and Report of


Ash Dieback Precautions

The Trustees have been advised that a significant amount of ash dieback has developed in the KGV woodland, requiring a schedule of remedial action over


Renewal for Loolabells

The Trustees are pleased to announce that Loolabells Outdoor Kitchen will be continuing for a further year from April 1st 2022 on a renewed licence.