7 July 2020

Impacts of Coronavirus at KGV

The impacts of coronavirus at KGV have been challenging, but we look forward to seeing the building in use again. The General Manager and Trustees have worked hard behind the scenes to conform to government guidelines on halls and community centres.  We thank individual residents, families and  groups for keeping aware and keeping safe. The plan is that together we will all come through a safe and enjoyable summer.

The current situation (end of August) is:

  • The grounds are open to families and individuals to enjoy in a responsibly distanced way.
  • Sports teams and fitness groups can be back in action outdoors if they follow guidance from their own professional associations and supply us with Risk Assessments in advance.  Please contact us to find out what your Risk Assessments need to cover.  We will help wherever we can.
  • The playgrounds and adult exercise equipment are available, but notices explain how currently use of these is at your own risk, and anyone choosing to use specific items should take steps to clean them first.
  • The building which had to be closed in early March is steadily being opened again, with arrangements in place to protect the safety of the people who enter.  This is a very disparate group of individuals, so designing a robust safety regime has been a complex process.  Hirers, groups and licence-holders who have risk-assessed plans in place with us to cover how they will handle such aspects as social distancing, cleansing and track & trace can now resume activities and book facilities. Contact us to ask for what your Risk Assessments need to cover.  We will help wherever we can.
Fortunately the grounds at KGV did not have to be closed and they have been a welcome haven for village residents during this lockdown summer. We are pleased that other facilities such as the playgrounds and the building can now come back into use.