3 November 2020

Moving into the second lockdown

Following the recent government announcement about a second lockdown, Trustees are awaiting definitive confirmation about details affecting specific aspects of the KGV site.  However at the time of writing, all the indoor community facilities will be closed from Wednesday night onwards (the Nursery being an exception to this).  Individuals can use the outdoor space for exercise, but no group grass sports can go ahead (eg rugby, football, 3G).

The gates have to remain locked for the time being, to prevent trespass.  Trustees are monitoring the situation closely and continually.   Direct personal testimony and information from professionals with specialist knowledge of the Surrey area both confirm that the risk of incursion remains a live possibility, despite the advance towards winter.  As previously reported, there is a system in place for organised groups to open and man the car park if they want to.  This has worked well for the ones that have used it.  It has not slowed down our work towards a more sustainable solution.



News of the arrangements for the second lockdown as currently known